The best way to report a problem is to send an e-mail to and include a complete description of the problem. CESNET-CERTS members will deal with the reported incident as soon as possible and will inform you that the problem, if any, has been solved and removed. You will receive a reply from and the e-mail will be signed by our PGP Key.
Any offence against the Czech law, e.g.,
We do not expect everyone to be a computer security expert. That is a role of the CESNET-CERTS team.
We do not even expect everyone to be able to properly recognize, classify and describe a security incident. So if you hesitate whether to report or not to report, report it. Any missing information will be asked for if necessary.
Thanks for your cooperation!
CESNET, z. s. p. o.
Generála Píky 26
16000 Prague 6
Tel: +420 234 680 222
Fax: +420 224 320 269
Tel: +420 234 680 222
GSM: +420 602 252 531
Fax: +420 224 313 211