

CESNET-CERTS has been the official name of the CESNET Computer Security Incident Response Team since January 2004. The team consists of employees of the CESNET Association. CESNET-CERTS headquarters are located in Generála Píky 430/26, 16000 Prague, Czech Republic.


Our constituency covers the CESNET2 network, i.e., all IP addresses within the AS2852 autonomous system, as well as the ROWANET AS48091. The CESNET-CERTS team is fully responsible for handling and responding to security incidents in domains

and in the CESNET2 internal infrastructure marked as INFRA-AW in the RIPE database.

CESNET-CERTS can help solving problem in the whole Autonomous systems AS2852 and AS48091. A complete RFC 2350-compliant team description is available here.

Contact information

Contacting us

The preferred method to contact the CESNET-CERTS team is to send an e-mail to the address certs@cesnet.cz. Should you need to send us some confidential information, please encrypt your message using our public PGP key.

Reporting security incidents

To report an incident of network abuse to CESNET-CERTS please follow these guidelines.

Our goals