
Incident report guideline

The best way to report a problem is to send an e-mail to certs@cesnet.cz and include a complete description of the problem. CESNET-CERTS members will deal with the reported incident as soon as possible and will inform you that the problem, if any, has been solved and removed. You will receive a reply from certs@cesnet.cz and the e-mail will be signed by our PGP Key.

Basic rules for creating an incident report

Basic incidents CESNET-CERTS deals with

Any offence against the Czech law, e.g.,

To report or not to report?

We do not expect everyone to be a computer security expert. That is a role of the CESNET-CERTS team.

We do not even expect everyone to be able to properly recognize, classify and describe a security incident. So if you hesitate whether to report or not to report, report it. Any missing information will be asked for if necessary.

Thanks for your cooperation!