~~NOTOC~~ ====== Computer Security Incident Response Team ====== ** Security without compromise** ===== Introduction ===== **CESNET-CERTS** has been the official name of the **CESNET Computer Security Incident Response Team** since January 2004. The team consists of employees of the [[https://www.cesnet.cz/?lang=en/|CESNET Association]]. CESNET-CERTS headquarters are located in Generála Píky 430/26, 16000 Prague, Czech Republic. ===== Constituency ===== Our constituency covers the [[https://www.cesnet.cz/services/ip-connectivity-ip/cesnet2-network/?lang=en|CESNET2 network]], i.e., all IP addresses within the AS2852 autonomous system, as well as the ROWANET AS48091. The CESNET-CERTS team is fully responsible for handling and responding to security incidents in domains * acad.cz * ces.net * cesnet2.cz * cesnet.asia * cesnet-ca.cz * cesnet-certs.cz * cesnet.cz * cesnet.eu * cesnet.hk * cesnet.in * cesnet.tw * citaf.cz * citaf.org * cypherfix.cz * eduid.cz * eduroam.cz * e-infra.cz * einfra.cz * e-infrastruktury.cz * einfrastruktury.cz * eu-egi.eu * flab.cz * ipv6.cz * letinternetu.cz * liberouter.eu * liberouter.net * liberouter.org * lifescienceid.org * metacentrum.cz * nespoq.cz * netboot.cz * netopeer.org * nren.cz * perun-aai.org * research-infrastructures.cz * streaming-video-cesnet.cz * ten.cz * thecatch.cz * ultragrid.cz * vyzkumne-infrastruktury.cz * vyzkumneinfrastruktury.cz * warden.cz and in the CESNET2 internal infrastructure marked as INFRA-AW in the [[http://www.ripe.net/whois/|RIPE database]]. CESNET-CERTS can help solving problem in the whole Autonomous systems AS2852 and AS48091. A complete RFC 2350-compliant team description is available {{:cs:documents:rfc2350_cesnet-certs.pdf |here}}. ===== Contact information ===== * Phone number: +420 234 680 222 * Timezone: CET (GMT+0100 in winter, GMT+0200 in summer) * E-mail address: [[certs@cesnet.cz]] * Twitter account: [[https://twitter.com/CESNET_CERTS|@CESNET_CERTS]] * PGP Communication key (use for e-mail verification and encryption): * User ID: CESNET-CERTS Operator <[[certs@cesnet.cz]]>, <[[abuse@cesnet.cz]]> * Key ID: [[https://csirt.cesnet.cz/publickey.asc|0xFC3F62D9F458694E]] * Fingerprint: 87D3 58CA 1C39 F232 1EFF BC58 FC3F 62D9 F458 694E * PGP Master key (use for verification of our other keys): * User ID: CESNET-CERTS <[[certs@cesnet.cz]]>, <[[abuse@cesnet.cz]]> * Key ID: 0x97D157FF6F7F277E * Fingerprint: 95FD F42E AC0E A05A 9F4E 0CE1 97D1 57FF 6F7F 277E * Obsolete PGP key (please don't use any more): * User ID: CESNET-CERTS <[[certs@cesnet.cz]]> * Key ID: 0xF9BFC7419CAA8579 * Fingerprint: 341D 3EB0 0160 941F 6A06 4401 F9BF C741 9CAA 8579 ===== Contacting us ===== The preferred method to contact the CESNET-CERTS team is to send an e-mail to the address [[certs@cesnet.cz]]. Should you need to send us some confidential information, please encrypt your message using our [[https://csirt.cesnet.cz/publickey.asc|public PGP key]]. ===== Reporting security incidents ===== To report an incident of network abuse to CESNET-CERTS please follow these [[en:incident_report|guidelines]]. ==== Our goals ==== * Providing a single, trusted point of contact for the CESNET2 network. * Coordinating the handling of security incidents which originated in the CESNET2 and ROWANET network, as well as preventing such incidents. * Helping the CESNET2 and ROWANET members and customers to improve their computer and network security.